Thursday, 26 May 2016

Blooms Blooms Blooms

Mint growing from cuttings: 

Tulsi leaves in waste bottle

thuthuvallai leaf

Variegated Hibiscus

Portuculas growing from cuttings in waste cone

Turned this cone into hanging baskets


Giant Hibiscus - love them a lot. My neighbors and street passers envy on this plant.

Waste Milk Jug turned into hanging planters. Portculas growing from cuttings.

in love....

Close up shot of giant hibiscus


Hibiscus before blooming 

cilantro in little waste bottles

Friday, 4 March 2016


Double Peach Hibiscus

Hibiscus Hardy 

close up shot of Peach Hibiscus

Double layer hibiscus produces three to four flowers per day. It needs care, water daily, dont over water them. For hibiscus Pesticide, turmeric words 20 percent, and liquid handwash soap water works 80 percent. So, no need to buy shop pesticide, tuermic or liquid handwash diluted in water  spraying over infected areas, would controls pest, and it gives some glossy to leaves

Green Peas Harvest - Chennai

Green Peas:

I tried for four months in growing peas, and failed several times. I put the green peas pods it didnt started germination. So, I soaked them overnight, and put the soaked peas in muslin cloth to germinate. Another way just put the soaked peas in the pot soil and cover them lightly.

Finally I harvested green Peas. Potting soil should be good and its quite easy to germinate, and grow green Peas. It takes around 50 to 60 days. 

Seeds are not bought from store, and I sowed some of green peas while picking them. Three pea pods gives nearly 6 green peas.
green peas harvest chennai- malini

My Balcony gardening 2015

My Balcony gardening 2015

I am novice to gardening, so I am experimenting ,  and self learning.

Hibiscus Hardy - Red

Growing in  bottles

Hybrid Chrysantheum and Vinca in pots

Fenugreek second harvest: Fenugreek leaves grows within 10 to 15 days. If you want baby leaves, you could harvest ten to fifteen days. For mature leaves, it takes around a month.

Recycling bottles and plastic tubs

Hibiscus Hardy 

Corainder clinatro growing in small juice bottles

onion chives